Dececmber 2009 was a tough month that delivered a harsh reminder to stay aware of the important things in life. I realised too late that there were so many things I should have said to my Dad before he died, but sadly left it too late.
Dad was never a gambler, and hated anything that was associated with gambling. In my earlier years, I wasted so much money chasing my addiction to fruit machines, horses, and anything else that I could gamble on. Therefore, Dad found it difficult to accept that my time spent playing poker was a good thing. However, when he saw my consistent winnings, and particularly when he framed the photo of my UK Amateur win in Walsall, he came to accept that poker was perhaps something worthy for me. I was gobsmacked when for my 40th birthday last year, he paid my £200 entry to the Sky Poker Tour Grand Final - for him, this was a massive step.
As bad as a month December was for life in general, ironically it turned out to be my best month of 2009 for poker. I had been losing steadily online through 2009 and was finding it difficult to "get up" for poker. On 1st Dec I had $26 left if my PokerStars account, and challenged myself to do "something" with it. Through many $6 Single Table Tourneys, I managed to grow the $26 to $500. Along the way I also took down a $4 Omaha tournament for $450, giving me a PokerStars bankroll of over $900. Not bad for a month's effort, and hopefully a turn around in my online fortunes.
December then culminated in a final table at the DuskTillDawn 20/20 £20k tourney yesterday. From 227 runners, I picked my way to the final table having seen huge hands splashing all around me, but without any cards to speak of myself. My best two hands were 10 10, which was beaten by 33, and AK which was beaten by AQ. My chips had to be won the hard way, and it was over 7 hours before I took a hand to an all in showdown. The final exit was a sickener in the first hand of the final - matey shoved with 32o and I snap called with KJs, only for the flop to give two 3s! If I had won that hand, I would have found myself 3rd in chips, and confident of a deep finish. £427 prize for 9th, but £7,000 for 1st :(
Into 2010, and looking forward to more live play. It would be so nice to win another APAT national to give me something to dedicate to my Dad.